Wednesday 25 June 2008

Amy Pearson Told Not to Have Sex With Troops!

Singer Amy Pearson has been told not to have sex with the troops when she goes over to East Timor to perform!

Following all the media hype over false accusations that actor Tania Zaetta slept with some of the Australian soldiers in Afghanistan earlier this year, it now looks like authorities are taking extra precautions!

"They've just told us all don't get drunk and don't have sex basically!" Pearson said.

"Weve all been strapped into our chastity belts before we go, that was first port of call!" she joked. "But you know, things like that blow up a lot and I don't think my boyfriend would be too impressed if I came back with any stories like that!"

"I'm going there to sing, and I'm doing this for the troops and I don't really concern myself with anything like that."

Amy joins a long list of acts going over to East Timor to entertain our troops.

See Also